Wednesday, October 20, 2010

An invitation from a classmate

Great news! I have just learnt that one of your classmates is a poet! Here is an invitation from Lorena Fernández, who has just published some poems in a collective volume:


Escribo para anunciar que ya salió la antología de poesía salvaje
de la cual, junto a varias y varios antologados más, hago parte. La primera presentación del libro será en La Plata el día 4 de Noviembre a las 19:30hs, Complejo Islas Malvinas 19 y 51 de La Plata.

Los libros ya están en La Librería de Las Madres, también van a estar en De la Mancha, en la CCC, Eterna Cadencia, Guadalquivir, etc. En La Plata ya están en Capitulo II, La Campana, van a estar too en Lenci, Tioroloco, Vonnegut, City Bell libros, etc

Saludos y abrazos,


(también les agradezco reenviar este anuncio a quien pueda)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Coming events "at home"

Three events organised at our University:
  • Enell, Encuentro Nacional de estudiantes de Lenguas y Letras.
the first is held in September, the other two are both held in October, you have plenty of time to organise your schedule. And it would be a great opportunity to learn in a different way.
See you there!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Let´s try to solve a problem

Feedback on the essays

Hello! By now you all know what marks you got in your essays, and although you will get feedback in class, there is one thing that I think deserves special attention, because it may be worrying you unnecessarily.

Some of you wrote about “Becoming a Writer”. I had to correct many of those essays, and I have the impression that there is one thing that has been overlooked: what the author really means. When many of you answered by mentioning “the rules”, “the conventions” or “the structures”, I got the impression that there is some misunderstanding that we have to clear up, because you might, just like the author of the essay, be having a hard time trying to follow rules that teachers don´t give you!

That´s why I need some help from you: please read the (short) question in this link

and then answer by leaving a comment at the end of the document. I´ll use your answers to see if there is some misunderstanding, and in case there is any, we´ll try to explain better so that we all talk about the same when we talk about conventions. Please do answer, this is one of those things that teachers can’t understand without students’ help!

Monday, June 21, 2010

an excellent video

Please watch this video, it´s called "The future of publishing" but you'll probably draw the wrong conclusion by only reading the title, so give it a chance! And then tell us: what exactly do you think this young girl is talking about? Do you agree with her views?

This is the second new post today, please also read the previous one.

the congress

I said in class some days ago that I was going to a congress in Resistencia, Chaco. Here is the information for those of you who were interested: it is the I Congreso internacional sobre lenguas y dinámicas identitarias en el bicentenario , on July 19th-23rd.
I'd like you to contact me if you want to go.
And, whether or not you are interested in the topic, I think it would be a very good idea for all of you to think of going to congresses now that you are students. It is an interesting part of your education.

Monday, May 31, 2010

blogger classmate

Hello everyone!
Today I want to talk about a great idea that one of your classmates has had. Here is the e-mail she sent me:

Hola Silvia, soy Eliana DiJorgi Menche. Te escribo porque la ante ultima clase salio la discusión del problema que tenemos los alumnos a la hora de escribir y me acerque a hablarte sobre algo que se me había ocurrido.

Siendo la segunda vez que curso la materia, tengo la experiencia de lo vivido el año pasado, entonces este año decidí tomar la materia desde otro lado. Un día estaba buscando un poco de motivación para empezar a escribir, y recordé que entre lo leído para la materia, en Academic Writing, se sugería que lleváramos un diario en donde escribiéramos nuestras ideas para poder preservarlas y para empezar a llevar nuestros pensamientos al papel. La idea de tener un diario estaba buena, pero yo estaba buscando algo mas. A lo cual, motivada por algunas personas y sin dar muchas vueltas me termine creando un blog. En el trato de escribir lo que pienso, como salga. Trato se sacarme de la cabeza esos "pensamientos molestos" que muchas veces no nos dejan ver lo que realmente necesitamos.

Para no desviarme del tema. Se me ocurrió que estaría bueno que se les propusiera a los chicos la idea de que se hagan un blog, para que escriban en castellano e ingles, para que se expresen y que también opinen sobre lo que otros escriben. Me parece que es algo super tranqui, que no requiere de mucho tiempo y que realmente ayuda. Espero que mis compañeros no me odien, jajajaja!

Te dejo mi blog:

ELI =)

Congratulations for this initiative, I hope everybody visits the blog and writes in it (but also in this one!) Do you like the idea?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More language work

How are you getting on with the concordancer? Keep it up! You´ll find it very useful to avoid writing signs like this one! Please don´t forget to leave your comments on the post about it if you have something to say about how you have used it.

Now I´m writing to let you know that I´ve added some new and interesting links to help you improve your English and your writing. They are already in the link list.

You can use to improve your writing skills. Please note that it has special sections on academic and essay writing.

In you will also find different kinds of help for your work, but especially free online courses for students!!! contains tips on writing academic texts.

And, finally, HyperGrammar is a very good online grammar of English from the University of Ottawa.

When you have seen and used these resources, please leave your comments here so that you can all share what you discover. Have fun!