A second topic, as promised. Why not participate in this one too?
We have talked about college rumours in class. Sometimes, you ask me questions that begin more or less like this: "There´s a rumour going round - you know what it´s like. Is it true that next class ...?" Let´s analyse this. Click here to find out more about the meaning of the word "gossip", and here for "rumour". But rumours and gossip are a lot more widespread: they can be used for fun (like in gossip columns) or even to destroy reputations. How do you feel about this? Do you gossip? (Come on, be honest, you´re using a nick after all!) Do you pay attention to rumours? Do you spread them? If your answer is no, how do you feel about people who do all, or some of these things?
Hello everybody! I hope you´re all healthy. Let´s take advantage of this compulsory recess to discuss some more topics, in order to simplify our work in the second term. I´m planning to upload another topic after this one, so that you have a wider choice. Besides this, you will soon get some more work to prepare for the third tp, so wait for it in the infoblog and the webpage.
So here is the first topic: we are all getting a lot of information about influenza A H1N1. Here is some more info in English, plus a fun video teaching us how to sneeze and cough according to the new etiquette: Now, I´d like to ask you some questions: do you pay attention to all this information? To what extent? Are you taking precautions? Do you/would you wear a mask in public if it was necessary? Don´t answer what is politically correct, answer the truth!
For students of English Language III at the UNLP who want to become more critical and reflective by exchanging opinions with their classmates.
How to use it
Look at the posts and give your opinion about them, but remember that we are discussing topics for academic purposes, so please follow these simple rules:
when you give your opinion, ALWAYS SAY WHY you think so.
I graduated as a teacher of English at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. In the late 1980s I specialised in History of the English Language at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, and I was an assistant teacher in that subject. Since 1991 I am a teacher in English Language III for the translation and teaching courses at the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. I am also at present the Coordinator of Special Courses at the Escuela de Lenguas de la UNLP, where I have taught English mostly in junior and adult courses.
I am a member of the Asociación Argentina de Estudios Canadienses, a member of the Executive Committe of the Centro de Estudios Canadienses de La Plata and also a member of the editorial staff of its magazine: Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Canadienses (RAEC).
I am currently doing a post degree course in distance education.