Monday, June 21, 2010

an excellent video

Please watch this video, it´s called "The future of publishing" but you'll probably draw the wrong conclusion by only reading the title, so give it a chance! And then tell us: what exactly do you think this young girl is talking about? Do you agree with her views?

This is the second new post today, please also read the previous one.

the congress

I said in class some days ago that I was going to a congress in Resistencia, Chaco. Here is the information for those of you who were interested: it is the I Congreso internacional sobre lenguas y dinámicas identitarias en el bicentenario , on July 19th-23rd.
I'd like you to contact me if you want to go.
And, whether or not you are interested in the topic, I think it would be a very good idea for all of you to think of going to congresses now that you are students. It is an interesting part of your education.