Two years ago, in July 2007, a new series of wonders of the world were established. They were voted online by people everywhere.
Now, a new selection is being carried out: we can vote for the seven natural wonders of the world.
The first stage of the selection has already finished, and one magnificent place shared by Argentina and Brazil has been shortlisted: the Iguazú falls!! Did you know? If you would like them to be elected as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, you can vote for it in http://www.new7wonders.com/.
Do you think it would be good to have one of the seven wonders in our country? Think of it in terms of the number of tourists that would come and the revenue this would yield. In any case, are we prepared to receive them? But, on the other hand, would it be good for the environment? Besides those, can you think of other consequences, both good and bad, for our country?
In any case, have you been there? If you haven´t, believe me, you must!
Interesting topic!!
I have heard something about that on the news and I think it is a unique chance for us to be conscious enough about the wonders we have in our planet.
If we just think how much attention the government has paid to the wonders here, we will see that is has not been one of its priorities. Thus, private companies are the ones in charge of the preservation these “one of a kind” places.
On the other hand, projects like this are very interesting and ambitious; first to make a point about how much care we do have to pay to the earth, which has become an important concern lately, and also to protect some places which without such protection would be deteriorated within years by human hands. The thing is that nowadays we are not prepared enough to receive a demand which is higher than the current one.
Several politics should be put into practice in order to face new chances for the benefit of both the environment and the people. This is the first step of many more to make in order to built up a suitable atmosphere for the development and protection of a wonder of this magnitude.
This was diffucult...but after thinking about it for some time, I believe that it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all, having the Iguazu falls as one of the wonders.
Of course, everything will depend on how well our goverment deals with the situation, considering not only the environmental protection issue but also tourism facilities. Besides, I don’t think much harm to the area can be done if we take into account that the falls are part of UNESCO World Heritage: they are considered one of the most important natural resources heritage of humanity.
So, each disadvantage we can think of can easily be solved if the organization is appropriate. Misiones could be the center of positive technological improvements and sufficient income would arise from the travel agencied and hotel business. This would also lead to other types of changes, such as the increase of traditional restaurants’ clients and consumption of local artisan works and souvenirs.
Having one of the seven wonders of nature in our country is something to be proud of, something that can both favor the country’s economy and society's awareness of how precious our land trully is.
I would definitely vote for the Iguazù Falls as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. As it is a wonderful place distinguished worldwide, being recognised as such would offer the oportunity to improve the political action to maintain and preserve this place.
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