Monday, August 2, 2010

Let´s try to solve a problem

Feedback on the essays

Hello! By now you all know what marks you got in your essays, and although you will get feedback in class, there is one thing that I think deserves special attention, because it may be worrying you unnecessarily.

Some of you wrote about “Becoming a Writer”. I had to correct many of those essays, and I have the impression that there is one thing that has been overlooked: what the author really means. When many of you answered by mentioning “the rules”, “the conventions” or “the structures”, I got the impression that there is some misunderstanding that we have to clear up, because you might, just like the author of the essay, be having a hard time trying to follow rules that teachers don´t give you!

That´s why I need some help from you: please read the (short) question in this link

and then answer by leaving a comment at the end of the document. I´ll use your answers to see if there is some misunderstanding, and in case there is any, we´ll try to explain better so that we all talk about the same when we talk about conventions. Please do answer, this is one of those things that teachers can’t understand without students’ help!

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