Monday, October 13, 2008

did you know about this?

Hello, everybody. First of all, I have to say thank you to those who left their comments for the previous topic. Good job!
Now I have something new to discuss, and to follow the instructions of the blog I must quote my sources: Kristal told me that a very popular topic with Americans is BUSHISMS! Any idea what they are? Does the name sound like any president you know?

Go and find out about them in these links:
How would you describe what makes Americans laugh about these comments? Is it right to laugh at your own president?
On the other hand, what do you think of a president who speaks like this? What qualities should a president have, in your opinion?
If you want to read more bushisms, here go other webpages:
You must have noticed that some quotes contain grammar mistakes. Perhaps correcting those mistakes could be a fun way to improve your language skills! You could even see some videos. Anyway, I hope you have a good laugh.
See you soon!


A. F. Ch. said...
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A. F. Ch. said...

HA HA !!! I have heard some comments related to this issue in which President Bush is involved.

To adress the first question, I sould say that every country sees its president differently, what I mean is that as every society has dissimilar customs and backgrounds, treatement towards a president is going to be, by far, different. Take our country for instance, we have been laughing at every president since I can remember, i.e. De la Rua (the most criticized and "humorous"), K, Cristina, Menem, etc. And, we will continue laughing.

On the other side, borading the "speaking" topic, in my opinion as the president of any country is a direct representative of its, it would be adviceable to know perfectly how to speak and try no to make mistakes like Bush's. I know that Presiden Bush has made seriours mistakes, but it's good to see that the American society has taken this comments with humor and grace. I won't imagine what would have happened if these speaking mistakes had been taken in the wrong way.

This only demostrates that, every president must have a clear and accurate development, and usage of the language, but why is this so? I think that to communicate the wrong message sometimes can lead to misundertandings. It's better to avoid misunderstandings of any kind, especially when we are dealing with economics, countries, constitution, laws, etc.

A president has to be aware of the mistakes made by other representatives, however I believe that some the presidents rely more on their assistants, and do not pay as much attention as they sould to their own image. What do you think??? (opened question related to the same issue)