Wednesday, September 23, 2009
We all live surrounded by some degree of violence. Who has never been an innocent victim of it? But, perhaps, as we see it everyday, many common people have also become more aggressive than before to some extent.
This video shows widespread forms of violence, which frequently involve young people. Does what it shows also happen in our country? In the same way? What are the reasons for this, in your opinion?
And, on the other hand: do prevention campaigns work? A few days ago Juanes organised a concert for peace - not his first - and he was threatened because of that. Is it any use to ask violent people to reflect on their behaviour and change?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
our wonder of nature

Two years ago, in July 2007, a new series of wonders of the world were established. They were voted online by people everywhere.
Now, a new selection is being carried out: we can vote for the seven natural wonders of the world.
The first stage of the selection has already finished, and one magnificent place shared by Argentina and Brazil has been shortlisted: the Iguazú falls!! Did you know? If you would like them to be elected as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, you can vote for it in
Do you think it would be good to have one of the seven wonders in our country? Think of it in terms of the number of tourists that would come and the revenue this would yield. In any case, are we prepared to receive them? But, on the other hand, would it be good for the environment? Besides those, can you think of other consequences, both good and bad, for our country?
In any case, have you been there? If you haven´t, believe me, you must!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A second topic, as promised. Why not participate in this one too?
We have talked about college rumours in class. Sometimes, you ask me questions that begin more or less like this: "There´s a rumour going round - you know what it´s like. Is it true that next class ...?" Let´s analyse this. Click here to find out more about the meaning of the word "gossip", and here for "rumour".
But rumours and gossip are a lot more widespread: they can be used for fun (like in gossip columns) or even to destroy reputations.
How do you feel about this? Do you gossip? (Come on, be honest, you´re using a nick after all!) Do you pay attention to rumours? Do you spread them? If your answer is no, how do you feel about people who do all, or some of these things?
holiday activities!!
I hope you´re all healthy. Let´s take advantage of this compulsory recess to discuss some more topics, in order to simplify our work in the second term. I´m planning to upload another topic after this one, so that you have a wider choice. Besides this, you will soon get some more work to prepare for the third tp, so wait for it in the infoblog and the webpage.
So here is the first topic: we are all getting a lot of information about influenza A H1N1. Here is some more info in English, plus a fun video teaching us how to sneeze and cough according to the new etiquette:
Now, I´d like to ask you some questions: do you pay attention to all this information? To what extent? Are you taking precautions? Do you/would you wear a mask in public if it was necessary? Don´t answer what is politically correct, answer the truth!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
not answering the question

This has been a touchy topic these days in class. Many students, more than expected, answered something that was not what was asked in the "trabajo práctico". It is very important to know why, so that this does not happen again. To teach effectively, teachers need, among other things, to receive feedback from students about their progress and difficulties. You can tell teachers things they could not know: how you experience learning, and sometimes the reason for your problems.
That is why today the question is addressed to those who "didn´t answer the question" on this occasion or on any other: why did you write about something other than what was asked?
Mind you: we are not trying to find out if someone is to blame for this, or if you happen to regret what you did or did not do about your studies in the past. All we need to devote our attention to is the fact that there is a difficulty that needs to be resolved, so we are looking for the best way to do that. Understanding the reasons for the problem is the first step.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
our new blog
Instead of our usual topics, I am writing to let you know that we have a new blog. It will replace our webpage when it is difficult to access it, like these days. Its address is There is already some information on it about the partial test. We will gradually complete it with more information. We hope it is useful!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
time to vote
You can also click here and see what they call "versión fuerte", and some opinions about these ads.
Now that we have to vote next month, have you thought about what these ads say? It might even be the first time that some of you are going to vote. Are you interested in exercising this right? Do you have information about the different candidates, or are you planning to find some? Do you think it is important to vote responsibly? In all cases, why or why not?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
*All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy.
Scott Alexander
*In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous.
Robert Green Ingersoll
*Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.
*People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.
Andrew Carnegie
*Malice is only another name for mediocrity.
Patrick Kavanagh
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
new section
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Welcome all!

Hello everyone! New students will be seeing this blog soon. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Here is a new topic, but of course you can send contributions to the older ones if you wish.
How much do you know about your own university? And about others? Go to and find out about universities worldwide. Choose one or more universities and compare it/them to ours. How do they compare? Would you like your university to be different in any way? What would your ideal university be like? Mind you, to be fair, do not just look at the academic side: also compare fees!