Great news! I have just learnt that one of your classmates is a poet! Here is an invitation from Lorena Fernández, who has just published some poems in a collective volume:
a blog for sounder opinions
Feedback on the essays
Hello! By now you all know what marks you got in your essays, and although you will get feedback in class, there is one thing that I think deserves special attention, because it may be worrying you unnecessarily.
Some of you wrote about “Becoming a Writer”. I had to correct many of those essays, and I have the impression that there is one thing that has been overlooked: what the author really means. When many of you answered by mentioning “the rules”, “the conventions” or “the structures”, I got the impression that there is some misunderstanding that we have to clear up, because you might, just like the author of the essay, be having a hard time trying to follow rules that teachers don´t give you!
That´s why I need some help from you: please read the (short) question in this link
How are you getting on with the concordancer? Keep it up! You´ll find it very useful to avoid writing signs like this one! Please don´t forget to leave your comments on the post about it if you have something to say about how you have used it.
Now I´m writing to let you know that I´ve added some new and interesting links to help you improve your English and your writing. They are already in the link list.
You can use http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/main.html to improve your writing skills. Please note that it has special sections on academic and essay writing.
In http://www.une.edu.au/tlc/aso/students/workshops/#tunehome you will also find different kinds of help for your work, but especially free online courses for students!!!
http://www.courseworks.unimelb.edu.au/researchandwriting/academicstyle.php contains tips on writing academic texts.
And, finally, HyperGrammar is a very good online grammar of English from the University of Ottawa.
When you have seen and used these resources, please leave your comments here so that you can all share what you discover. Have fun!